Damaged, Lost, or Stolen Devices


A device has a broken part, was lost, or stolen. What do I do?

If the Device was assigned to you:
  • From a working computer, Launch the Quick-IT program to submit a ticket to your SBT (Site Based Technician).
  • Contact your SBT
  • Contact the Help Desk at 702-799-3300
Schools should follow the procedure located at:
Damaged/Lost/Stolen Device Procedure to recoup fines related to loss or damage.

For damaged devices and parts requests, schools can submit tickets, either through the User Support Services (USS) Help Desk (702-799-3300), via Quick-IT, or directly into the CA Service Desk ticket tracking system with the make, model, serial number, location, and description of the issues. Once submitted, the devices will be evaluated for warranty coverage.

Schools should not “stockpile” broken devices and instead submit tickets for evaluation to ensure they can be fixed and returned to school inventory as soon as possible.

For devices that are out of warranty, the USS Department will provide a quote for parts to be procured by the school, and the device will be repaired by the USS Department as is economically feasible and as resources permit.

USS is working with the Purchasing Department to procure a limited supply of common bulk parts for supported Chromebooks to be available for purchase.

Schools should budget for a certain amount of expense related to parts, chargers, etc.

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