To serve users with varying experience using CCSD forms, we have categorized forms into several display groups.

If you are unsure if a form is the correct one, use the instructions in the form description on this website as well as any instructions on the form itself to guide you. If you are still unsure, contact your SBT, Site Administrator, or call the User Support Services (USS) Help Desk at (702)-799-3300.

If you are unsure if a form is the correct one, use the instructions in the form description on this website as well as any instructions on the form itself to guide you. If you are still unsure, contact your SBT, Site Administrator, or call the User Support Services (USS) Help Desk at (702)-799-3300.

Demographics and Zoning

Zoning Address Request Form

 Zoning Address Requests

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This form is the CCSD Warehouse Pickup or Transfer Request
It is for arranging for pickup/transfer of used and surplus furniture, archives, shredding, etc.
Any active CCSD employees may use this form.

Submission of this form requires a valid CCSD gmail account.

Shipping One Form
Note: This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

This form is for the use of CCSD Teachers for logging of teacher mentoring.


As part of the Onboarding Program, beginning teachers (No previous contracted experience) are assigned a site-based mentor to guide and assist them throughout their first year. Mentors may choose to be financially compensated for this vital support via Title II Grant Funds. Mentors will plan consistent mentor/mentee sessions before or after the contracted work day with two (2) hours max per month (per Mentee) for an 18 hour maximum per school year (per Mentee). Mentors interested in financial compensation must complete and submit a monthly mentor log (per Mentee) via this online CCSD Monthly Mentor Log.

Submission of this form requires a valid CCSD gmail account.

Monthly Mentor Log
Note: This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

This form is for requesting mileage reimbursement for driving a non-CCSD vehicle while performing job duties. (Personally owned vehicle, rental, etc.)
This form is only for the use of CCSD Employees. Contractors should use the process of the employment agency they were placed by, if available.
Check with your site’s Administrator before submitting a Mileage Reimbursement Request.
All submissions must be approved by your Administrator after you submit the form before any reimbursement funds can be transferred.

Submission of this form requires a valid CCSD gmail account.

Mileage Reimbursement Request
Note: This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

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The Instructional Material Purchase Approval Form is required to be attached to the SAP shopping cart when purchasing Instructional Material (Core or Supplemental) that is not adopted by the Nevada Department of Education.

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Human Capital Management (HCM)

**NEW** HCM rights requests can now be submitted.

HCM Rights Request Form.pdf


Please note: All requests must be submitted by the central office administrator or the principal for the site. In the absence of the central office administrator or principal, the request must be submitted by a higher level of authority. Users cannot request their own access. 

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

Use this form to request HCM access roles in PeopleSoft, Taleo and the CCSD Budget Planning Tool or to modify access for an employee.

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Human Resources

This is the form for requesting Accounts for Non-CCSD employees working with Clark County School district.

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.
Non-Employee Onboarding Form

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IDM & App Security

The Windows Active Directory (AD) Account Request Form should be used if additional rights are needed for employees (and some non-employees) working at multiple sites such as:

    • CCSD Substitute Employees
    • Non-Employees (Temps/Charter Schools)

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

[If you need a Contractor AD account, please use the Non-CCSD Onboarding Request below.]

Note: If you need additional rights/folder access, please call 702-799-3300

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Infinite Campus for users who are based out of non-school locations, even if you end up working at a school. (School Nurses, FASA’s, Floaters, etc. – See form for specific user types.)
This internal form can only be accessed from within CCSD:
Request Additional Rights to Infinite Campus – Central Office Users

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

This is the form for requesting additional rights for Infinite Campus for users who are based out of schools (Teachers, Counselors, SBTs, etc).
This internal form can only be accessed from within CCSD:
Request Additional Rights to Infinite Campus – School Users

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

**NEW** All SAP requests can now be made on one simple ONLINE form.

 SAP Access Request Form


Please note: All requests must be submitted by the central office administrator or the principal for the site. In the absence of the central office administrator or principal, the request must be submitted by a higher level of authority. Users cannot request their own access. You will be prompted to log in to the User Support Services website in order to fill out the form.

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

Use this form to request access to SAP or modify access to one of the following areas in SAP for an employee:

  • Initial Access
  • Access to additional Cost Center shopping carts
  • Set the employee’s default storage location(e.g. the delivery location).
  • Access to Budget reporting
  • Access to the C5 tab in SAP
  • Access to Field Trips for School based staff
  • Access to Field Trips  for Central Office based Staff (e.g. Transportation)
  • Access to Trackables (View Only)
  • Access to Trackables (Controller)


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Goalbook Toolkit is a program used by Special Education teachers to aid in education of their students. This form is to request access for teachers and aid who are not automatically provisioned based on their job codes.
This internal form can only be accessed from within CCSD:
Request Goalbook Toolkit Provisioning- School Based Users

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

Visitor Management user provisioning form is to request provisioning in the Ident-a-kid visitor management system for those not automatically provisioned based on their job codes.
This internal form can only be accessed from within CCSD:
Request Visitor Management User Provisioning

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Network Services

NOTE:  If you are a School Based Technician (SBT) assigned to a school, you will be automatically be added to the role and this form is not necessary.  Only school based staff that require SBT level rights should use this form.

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.
Go to to complete the form.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

Use this form to request access to CCSD-WIFI / CCSD-WIFI-E. One of these two networks should be available at any CCSD site what has the WIFI network installed. These networks are also unfiltered.

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.
CCSD WiFi Request Form

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

Note: Only school based staff who are not SBTs and have been directed by their school’s Administration to request Google Controller Accounts, should use this form.

  • If you are a School Based Technician (SBT) assigned to a school(s), this form is not necessary. You will automatically have a GC (Google Controller) account created for each School to which you are assigned, if applicable.
  • (SBTs) If you have only received credentials for one of your schools:
    • Contact your USS SBT manager to make sure you were flagged as the SBT at the missing school.
    • Once that is submitted/corrected, the second account will be auto-created and you will receive a separate “GC” login for that site’s Google Controller Account.
  • GC accounts are not linked to AD or your employee G Suite account.
    • They are a seperate “Google-Only” web login.
    • You will need to log into them individually to access each site you are maintaining.
    • If you need to reset the password on a GC account, you will need to have a ticket created for Networking Services (NS-Servers) to reset the password.


This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.
Go to the Networking Services Server Unit‘s website to complete the form.

For questions about or assistance with Google Controller access, please email

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Technical Resources

Use of the VPN system is for official use only. Continued use implies acceptance of the CCSD Acceptable Use Agreement and consent for monitoring.

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.
Go to to access this form.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?


If you need to change the name associated to your extension:

  • Complete  this form and provide the location code, the extension number, and the new name. After the form is sent, a ticket will be created automatically.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, to provide this information and open a ticket.


Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

NOTE: For E911 purposes it is very important that only Telecommunication Services staff move telephones to different rooms, floors, or buildings at your site. If you are moving to a different physical address, please call the help desk directly at 702-799-3300, option 2.

    If you are moving to a different desk/room and your extension is moving with you:

  • Complete the form below and provide your location code, the extension number, and the new room/desk you will be moving to. After the form is sent, a ticket will be created automatically.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, to provide this information and open a ticket.

Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?
  • Complete this form and provide the location code, the extension number, and describe what is not working correctly. After the form is sent, a ticket will be created automatically.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, to provide this information and open a ticket.


Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

NOTE: Please provide one business day advance notice if possible.

If a same day conference call bridge is required, please call Telecommunication Services directly at 702-799-6543.

  • Complete the form below to set up a conference bridge.
  •  Please provide dates, times, duration of call, site name, and location code.
  • A request ticket will be created upon completion of the form.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, provide the information listed above to have a ticket created.


Conference Bridge Request

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NOTE: Normally this is done through the office manager, and the office manager will be able to provide this PIN code.

  • Complete this form. Provide the location code and the extension number. After the form is sent, a ticket will be created automatically.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, to provide this information and open a ticket.


Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

If your site is not configured to allow long distance calls and the office manager cannot provide you the PIN code:

  • Complete this form and provide the location code, the extension number, and a brief summary of your request. After the form is sent, a ticket will be created automatically.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, to provide this information and open a ticket.
  • NOTE: Normally this is done through the office manager, and the office manager will be able to provide this PIN code.


Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

Completing this form will open a Request in Service Desk for your issue.

If you are unable to complete this form:

  • You can call the USS Help Desk at (702)-799-3300 (option 2)
    • Provide the information requested in this form.
    • We will open the Request in Service Desk for your issue.

Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

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User Support Services

The User Support Services website houses resources for CCSD technicians such as, application installers, OS/application repair utilities, and reports regarding equipment in use at all of our locations connected to the CCSD network. To access the site, you must manually create an account using your other CCSD accounts (Email, AD username, etc.). Alternatively, your Site Administrator or USS Manager (SBTs) may have already had the account created for you. If you are unable to access information about your site(s), you may need to have your Administrator send in a request to assign permissions.

To reset your password, go to theUSS website account recovery page or call the USS Help Desk 702-799-3300.
This is an internal link that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

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Regulation 4100 states:

“A CCSD employee or representative/volunteer who wants to communicate through an electronic system with a student about an education-related matter, which includes athletic and extracurricular matters, shall only use approved systems, unless exigent circumstances exist.”

            CCSD Regulation 4100 – Electronic Systems for Communication Approval Form.

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By default, school administrators and those granted the Building Communicator role in Infinite Campus are able to send messages. To login, use your AD credentials.

To submit a request to send a district wide message, complete the ParentLink Message Request form.

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This form is for school registrars to notify the User Support Services Help Desk each quarter that your report cards are ready to be printed by the Graphic Arts Center. User Support Services Help Desk will check the report card settings in Infinite Campus.  If everything is correct, we will forward the request to Graphic Arts for printing.

Note: Please ensure you have run the Missing Grades Report and have Previewed the cards prior to starting this form.

When you are ready to make the request use the Secondary and Elementary Grade Reporting Memo – Form.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

If you are unsure if a form is the correct one, use the instructions in the form description on this website as well as any instructions on the form itself to guide you. If you are still unsure, contact your SBT, Site Administrator, or call the User Support Services (USS) Help Desk at (702)-799-3300.

NOTE:  If you are a School Based Technician (SBT) assigned to a school, you will be automatically be added to the role and this form is not necessary.  Only school based staff that require SBT level rights should use this form.

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.
Go to to complete the form.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

Use this form to request access to CCSD-WIFI / CCSD-WIFI-E. One of these two networks should be available at any CCSD site what has the WIFI network installed. These networks are also unfiltered.

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.
CCSD WiFi Request Form

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

Note: Only school based staff who are not SBTs and have been directed by their school’s Administration to request Google Controller Accounts, should use this form.

  • If you are a School Based Technician (SBT) assigned to a school(s), this form is not necessary. You will automatically have a GC (Google Controller) account created for each School to which you are assigned, if applicable.
  • (SBTs) If you have only received credentials for one of your schools:
    • Contact your USS SBT manager to make sure you were flagged as the SBT at the missing school.
    • Once that is submitted/corrected, the second account will be auto-created and you will receive a separate “GC” login for that site’s Google Controller Account.
  • GC accounts are not linked to AD or your employee G Suite account.
    • They are a seperate “Google-Only” web login.
    • You will need to log into them individually to access each site you are maintaining.
    • If you need to reset the password on a GC account, you will need to have a ticket created for Networking Services (NS-Servers) to reset the password.


This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.
Go to the Networking Services Server Unit‘s website to complete the form.

For questions about or assistance with Google Controller access, please email

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

This form is the CCSD Warehouse Pickup or Transfer Request
It is for arranging for pickup/transfer of used and surplus furniture, archives, shredding, etc.
Any active CCSD employees may use this form.

Submission of this form requires a valid CCSD gmail account.

Shipping One Form
Note: This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

This form is for the use of CCSD Teachers for logging of teacher mentoring.


As part of the Onboarding Program, beginning teachers (No previous contracted experience) are assigned a site-based mentor to guide and assist them throughout their first year. Mentors may choose to be financially compensated for this vital support via Title II Grant Funds. Mentors will plan consistent mentor/mentee sessions before or after the contracted work day with two (2) hours max per month (per Mentee) for an 18 hour maximum per school year (per Mentee). Mentors interested in financial compensation must complete and submit a monthly mentor log (per Mentee) via this online CCSD Monthly Mentor Log.

Submission of this form requires a valid CCSD gmail account.

Monthly Mentor Log
Note: This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

This form is for requesting mileage reimbursement for driving a non-CCSD vehicle while performing job duties. (Personally owned vehicle, rental, etc.)
This form is only for the use of CCSD Employees. Contractors should use the process of the employment agency they were placed by, if available.
Check with your site’s Administrator before submitting a Mileage Reimbursement Request.
All submissions must be approved by your Administrator after you submit the form before any reimbursement funds can be transferred.

Submission of this form requires a valid CCSD gmail account.

Mileage Reimbursement Request
Note: This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

If you need to change the name associated to your extension:

  • Complete  this form and provide the location code, the extension number, and the new name. After the form is sent, a ticket will be created automatically.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, to provide this information and open a ticket.


Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

NOTE: For E911 purposes it is very important that only Telecommunication Services staff move telephones to different rooms, floors, or buildings at your site. If you are moving to a different physical address, please call the help desk directly at 702-799-3300, option 2.

    If you are moving to a different desk/room and your extension is moving with you:

  • Complete the form below and provide your location code, the extension number, and the new room/desk you will be moving to. After the form is sent, a ticket will be created automatically.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, to provide this information and open a ticket.

Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?
  • Complete this form and provide the location code, the extension number, and describe what is not working correctly. After the form is sent, a ticket will be created automatically.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, to provide this information and open a ticket.


Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

NOTE: Please provide one business day advance notice if possible.

If a same day conference call bridge is required, please call Telecommunication Services directly at 702-799-6543.

  • Complete the form below to set up a conference bridge.
  •  Please provide dates, times, duration of call, site name, and location code.
  • A request ticket will be created upon completion of the form.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, provide the information listed above to have a ticket created.


Conference Bridge Request

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

NOTE: Normally this is done through the office manager, and the office manager will be able to provide this PIN code.

  • Complete this form. Provide the location code and the extension number. After the form is sent, a ticket will be created automatically.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, to provide this information and open a ticket.


Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

**NEW** All SAP requests can now be made on one simple ONLINE form.

 SAP Access Request Form


Please note: All requests must be submitted by the central office administrator or the principal for the site. In the absence of the central office administrator or principal, the request must be submitted by a higher level of authority. Users cannot request their own access. You will be prompted to log in to the User Support Services website in order to fill out the form.

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

Use this form to request access to SAP or modify access to one of the following areas in SAP for an employee:

  • Initial Access
  • Access to additional Cost Center shopping carts
  • Set the employee’s default storage location(e.g. the delivery location).
  • Access to Budget reporting
  • Access to the C5 tab in SAP
  • Access to Field Trips for School based staff
  • Access to Field Trips  for Central Office based Staff (e.g. Transportation)
  • Access to Trackables (View Only)
  • Access to Trackables (Controller)


Did you find this FAQ helpful?

The form below can be used to request access for up to three Canvas Controllers for each CCSD location.
A person can be a controller at multiple locations.
Submit a separate form for each person for a given location.

Canvas Controller Request Form

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

If your site is not configured to allow long distance calls and the office manager cannot provide you the PIN code:

  • Complete this form and provide the location code, the extension number, and a brief summary of your request. After the form is sent, a ticket will be created automatically.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, to provide this information and open a ticket.
  • NOTE: Normally this is done through the office manager, and the office manager will be able to provide this PIN code.


Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

Completing this form will open a Request in Service Desk for your issue.

If you are unable to complete this form:

  • You can call the USS Help Desk at (702)-799-3300 (option 2)
    • Provide the information requested in this form.
    • We will open the Request in Service Desk for your issue.

Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

This form is for school registrars to notify the User Support Services Help Desk each quarter that your report cards are ready to be printed by the Graphic Arts Center. User Support Services Help Desk will check the report card settings in Infinite Campus.  If everything is correct, we will forward the request to Graphic Arts for printing.

Note: Please ensure you have run the Missing Grades Report and have Previewed the cards prior to starting this form.

When you are ready to make the request use the Secondary and Elementary Grade Reporting Memo – Form.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

 If you are unsure if a form is the correct one, use the instructions in the form description on this website as well as any instructions on the form itself to guide you. If you are still unsure, contact your SBT, Site Administrator, or call the User Support Services (USS) Help Desk at (702)-799-3300.

**NEW** HCM rights requests can now be submitted.

HCM Rights Request Form.pdf


Please note: All requests must be submitted by the central office administrator or the principal for the site. In the absence of the central office administrator or principal, the request must be submitted by a higher level of authority. Users cannot request their own access. 

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

Use this form to request HCM access roles in PeopleSoft, Taleo and the CCSD Budget Planning Tool or to modify access for an employee.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

The Windows Active Directory (AD) Account Request Form should be used if additional rights are needed for employees (and some non-employees) working at multiple sites such as:

    • CCSD Substitute Employees
    • Non-Employees (Temps/Charter Schools)

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

[If you need a Contractor AD account, please use the Non-CCSD Onboarding Request below.]

Note: If you need additional rights/folder access, please call 702-799-3300

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

Infinite Campus for users who are based out of non-school locations, even if you end up working at a school. (School Nurses, FASA’s, Floaters, etc. – See form for specific user types.)
This internal form can only be accessed from within CCSD:
Request Additional Rights to Infinite Campus – Central Office Users

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

This is the form for requesting additional rights for Infinite Campus for users who are based out of schools (Teachers, Counselors, SBTs, etc).
This internal form can only be accessed from within CCSD:
Request Additional Rights to Infinite Campus – School Users

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

Use of the VPN system is for official use only. Continued use implies acceptance of the CCSD Acceptable Use Agreement and consent for monitoring.

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.
Go to to access this form.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

The Instructional Material Purchase Approval Form is required to be attached to the SAP shopping cart when purchasing Instructional Material (Core or Supplemental) that is not adopted by the Nevada Department of Education.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

By default, school administrators and those granted the Building Communicator role in Infinite Campus are able to send messages. To login, use your AD credentials.

To submit a request to send a district wide message, complete the ParentLink Message Request form.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

Goalbook Toolkit is a program used by Special Education teachers to aid in education of their students. This form is to request access for teachers and aid who are not automatically provisioned based on their job codes.
This internal form can only be accessed from within CCSD:
Request Goalbook Toolkit Provisioning- School Based Users

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

Visitor Management user provisioning form is to request provisioning in the Ident-a-kid visitor management system for those not automatically provisioned based on their job codes.
This internal form can only be accessed from within CCSD:
Request Visitor Management User Provisioning

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

 If you are unsure if a form is the correct one, use the instructions in the form description on this website as well as any instructions on the form itself to guide you. If you are still unsure, contact your SBT, Site Administrator, or call the User Support Services (USS) Help Desk at (702)-799-3300.

**NEW** HCM rights requests can now be submitted.

HCM Rights Request Form.pdf


Please note: All requests must be submitted by the central office administrator or the principal for the site. In the absence of the central office administrator or principal, the request must be submitted by a higher level of authority. Users cannot request their own access. 

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

Use this form to request HCM access roles in PeopleSoft, Taleo and the CCSD Budget Planning Tool or to modify access for an employee.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

This is the form for requesting Accounts for Non-CCSD employees working with Clark County School district.

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.
Non-Employee Onboarding Form

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

If you need EasyTrac access, go to the USS website and follow the instructions to complete and submit the form.
Note:This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within the CCSD network.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

The Windows Active Directory (AD) Account Request Form should be used if additional rights are needed for employees (and some non-employees) working at multiple sites such as:

    • CCSD Substitute Employees
    • Non-Employees (Temps/Charter Schools)

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

[If you need a Contractor AD account, please use the Non-CCSD Onboarding Request below.]

Note: If you need additional rights/folder access, please call 702-799-3300

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

Zoning Address Request Form

 Zoning Address Requests
Did you find this FAQ helpful?

Infinite Campus for users who are based out of non-school locations, even if you end up working at a school. (School Nurses, FASA’s, Floaters, etc. – See form for specific user types.)
This internal form can only be accessed from within CCSD:
Request Additional Rights to Infinite Campus – Central Office Users

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

This is the form for requesting additional rights for Infinite Campus for users who are based out of schools (Teachers, Counselors, SBTs, etc).
This internal form can only be accessed from within CCSD:
Request Additional Rights to Infinite Campus – School Users

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

NOTE:  If you are a School Based Technician (SBT) assigned to a school, you will be automatically be added to the role and this form is not necessary.  Only school based staff that require SBT level rights should use this form.

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.
Go to to complete the form.

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

Use this form to request access to CCSD-WIFI / CCSD-WIFI-E. One of these two networks should be available at any CCSD site what has the WIFI network installed. These networks are also unfiltered.

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.
CCSD WiFi Request Form

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

Note: Only school based staff who are not SBTs and have been directed by their school’s Administration to request Google Controller Accounts, should use this form.

  • If you are a School Based Technician (SBT) assigned to a school(s), this form is not necessary. You will automatically have a GC (Google Controller) account created for each School to which you are assigned, if applicable.
  • (SBTs) If you have only received credentials for one of your schools:
    • Contact your USS SBT manager to make sure you were flagged as the SBT at the missing school.
    • Once that is submitted/corrected, the second account will be auto-created and you will receive a separate “GC” login for that site’s Google Controller Account.
  • GC accounts are not linked to AD or your employee G Suite account.
    • They are a seperate “Google-Only” web login.
    • You will need to log into them individually to access each site you are maintaining.
    • If you need to reset the password on a GC account, you will need to have a ticket created for Networking Services (NS-Servers) to reset the password.


This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.
Go to the Networking Services Server Unit‘s website to complete the form.

For questions about or assistance with Google Controller access, please email

Did you find this FAQ helpful?

This form is the CCSD Warehouse Pickup or Transfer Request
It is for arranging for pickup/transfer of used and surplus furniture, archives, shredding, etc.
Any active CCSD employees may use this form.

Submission of this form requires a valid CCSD gmail account.

Shipping One Form
Note: This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

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This form is for the use of CCSD Teachers for logging of teacher mentoring.


As part of the Onboarding Program, beginning teachers (No previous contracted experience) are assigned a site-based mentor to guide and assist them throughout their first year. Mentors may choose to be financially compensated for this vital support via Title II Grant Funds. Mentors will plan consistent mentor/mentee sessions before or after the contracted work day with two (2) hours max per month (per Mentee) for an 18 hour maximum per school year (per Mentee). Mentors interested in financial compensation must complete and submit a monthly mentor log (per Mentee) via this online CCSD Monthly Mentor Log.

Submission of this form requires a valid CCSD gmail account.

Monthly Mentor Log
Note: This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

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This form is for requesting mileage reimbursement for driving a non-CCSD vehicle while performing job duties. (Personally owned vehicle, rental, etc.)
This form is only for the use of CCSD Employees. Contractors should use the process of the employment agency they were placed by, if available.
Check with your site’s Administrator before submitting a Mileage Reimbursement Request.
All submissions must be approved by your Administrator after you submit the form before any reimbursement funds can be transferred.

Submission of this form requires a valid CCSD gmail account.

Mileage Reimbursement Request
Note: This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

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Use of the VPN system is for official use only. Continued use implies acceptance of the CCSD Acceptable Use Agreement and consent for monitoring.

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.
Go to to access this form.

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If you need to change the name associated to your extension:

  • Complete  this form and provide the location code, the extension number, and the new name. After the form is sent, a ticket will be created automatically.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, to provide this information and open a ticket.


Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

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NOTE: For E911 purposes it is very important that only Telecommunication Services staff move telephones to different rooms, floors, or buildings at your site. If you are moving to a different physical address, please call the help desk directly at 702-799-3300, option 2.

    If you are moving to a different desk/room and your extension is moving with you:

  • Complete the form below and provide your location code, the extension number, and the new room/desk you will be moving to. After the form is sent, a ticket will be created automatically.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, to provide this information and open a ticket.

Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

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  • Complete this form and provide the location code, the extension number, and describe what is not working correctly. After the form is sent, a ticket will be created automatically.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, to provide this information and open a ticket.


Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

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NOTE: Please provide one business day advance notice if possible.

If a same day conference call bridge is required, please call Telecommunication Services directly at 702-799-6543.

  • Complete the form below to set up a conference bridge.
  •  Please provide dates, times, duration of call, site name, and location code.
  • A request ticket will be created upon completion of the form.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, provide the information listed above to have a ticket created.


Conference Bridge Request

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NOTE: Normally this is done through the office manager, and the office manager will be able to provide this PIN code.

  • Complete this form. Provide the location code and the extension number. After the form is sent, a ticket will be created automatically.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, to provide this information and open a ticket.


Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

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**NEW** All SAP requests can now be made on one simple ONLINE form.

 SAP Access Request Form


Please note: All requests must be submitted by the central office administrator or the principal for the site. In the absence of the central office administrator or principal, the request must be submitted by a higher level of authority. Users cannot request their own access. You will be prompted to log in to the User Support Services website in order to fill out the form.

This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

Use this form to request access to SAP or modify access to one of the following areas in SAP for an employee:

  • Initial Access
  • Access to additional Cost Center shopping carts
  • Set the employee’s default storage location(e.g. the delivery location).
  • Access to Budget reporting
  • Access to the C5 tab in SAP
  • Access to Field Trips for School based staff
  • Access to Field Trips  for Central Office based Staff (e.g. Transportation)
  • Access to Trackables (View Only)
  • Access to Trackables (Controller)


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The Instructional Material Purchase Approval Form is required to be attached to the SAP shopping cart when purchasing Instructional Material (Core or Supplemental) that is not adopted by the Nevada Department of Education.

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The form below can be used to request access for up to three Canvas Controllers for each CCSD location.
A person can be a controller at multiple locations.
Submit a separate form for each person for a given location.

Canvas Controller Request Form

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By default, school administrators and those granted the Building Communicator role in Infinite Campus are able to send messages. To login, use your AD credentials.

To submit a request to send a district wide message, complete the ParentLink Message Request form.

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If your site is not configured to allow long distance calls and the office manager cannot provide you the PIN code:

  • Complete this form and provide the location code, the extension number, and a brief summary of your request. After the form is sent, a ticket will be created automatically.


  • Call the Help Desk at 702-799-3300, option 2, to provide this information and open a ticket.
  • NOTE: Normally this is done through the office manager, and the office manager will be able to provide this PIN code.


Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

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Completing this form will open a Request in Service Desk for your issue.

If you are unable to complete this form:

  • You can call the USS Help Desk at (702)-799-3300 (option 2)
    • Provide the information requested in this form.
    • We will open the Request in Service Desk for your issue.

Phone, voicemail password reset, extension change etc.

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This form is for school registrars to notify the User Support Services Help Desk each quarter that your report cards are ready to be printed by the Graphic Arts Center. User Support Services Help Desk will check the report card settings in Infinite Campus.  If everything is correct, we will forward the request to Graphic Arts for printing.

Note: Please ensure you have run the Missing Grades Report and have Previewed the cards prior to starting this form.

When you are ready to make the request use the Secondary and Elementary Grade Reporting Memo – Form.

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Goalbook Toolkit is a program used by Special Education teachers to aid in education of their students. This form is to request access for teachers and aid who are not automatically provisioned based on their job codes.
This internal form can only be accessed from within CCSD:
Request Goalbook Toolkit Provisioning- School Based Users

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Visitor Management user provisioning form is to request provisioning in the Ident-a-kid visitor management system for those not automatically provisioned based on their job codes.
This internal form can only be accessed from within CCSD:
Request Visitor Management User Provisioning

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