How do I run a report for perfect attendance?


How do I run a report for perfect attendance?

To run a report for perfect attendance:

  1. From the Index, go to Attendance > Reports > Period Count.
  2. Under Which students would you like to include in the report?, choose Ad Hoc Filter. You must have an Active Students Only filter already created (student.activeToday =TRUE is the only parameter needed). Select that filter from the Ad Hoc list.
  3. For Enrollment Effect Date, enter the date from which you would like to run the report (i.e. the first day of school).
  4. For Start Date, enter the date from which you would like to run the report.
  5. For End Date, enter the ending date for which you would like to run the report (i.e. yesterday’s date).
  6. In the “Having at least” box, enter 0.
  7. In the “Having at most” box, enter 0.
  8. For Status, mark the “All
  9. For Excuse, mark every box except for “Exempt.”
  10. Click on Generate Report.
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