Is there any other free or discounted software available to teachers, staff, or students?


The official list of Employe Purchase Options for CCSD Staff is located at the Purchasing & Warehousing section of the CCSD website. The items in this location are generally discounts that were extended when a vendor contract bid was accepted or otherwise negotiated on behalf of CCSD employees. Other education professional organizations may also provide discounts to either members-only or to all staff and/or students.  Many individual vendors also offer substantial discounts to either teachers, students, or other school district staff. Often, these direct-from-vendor discounts are unknown or overlooked. Searching a company’s website for “Education Pricing”, “Education Licensing”, or “Student Discounts” may take you to their discounts for education. A web search for “companies offering discounts to k-12“can also locate additional discount programs.

Note: Companies offering educational  discounts will typically ask for your CCSD Email address and/or they may ask you to send in proof of affiliation with an educational institution(copy of a pay stub, ID, etc.).

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