How do I reset a student/parent password?


How do I reset a student/parent password?

To reset a student or parent’s Portal password:

  1. Go to the Search tab and select User from the dropdown menu.
  2. Enter the student or parent’s name (last name, first name). You may also use the Advanced Search tool to add additional search criteria.
  3. Find the appropriate name from the results pane on the left, and click on the user ID (will appear with an indent just under the person’s name).
  4. You will be brought to the person’s User Account page. Click on the blue Reset Password link on the right.
  5. Enter a strong password for the parent or student (progress bar will reach 100% once a strong password has been entered), and confirm it in the second field.
  6. Click Change Password.
  7. On the User Account page, mark the checkbox for Force Password Change, and then hit Save.
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