How do I change the address in a household?


How do I change the address in a household?

To change the address for a household:

  1. Go to Census > Census Wizard.
  2. Using the Census Wizard search fields, locate the household in question (enter student number, household name, etc.).
  3. Select the name of the household from the results pane on the left. The household name, address, and member names will appear in the box titled “Editing an Existing Household” on the right.
  4. Still using the Census Wizard search fields, click on Clear Search Fields and search for the new address.
  5. Select the desired address from the results pane on the left. It will auto-populate into the box on the right.
  6. Click on Continue – Step 2>>.
  7. On the next page, under Household Locations, enter an end date for the old address and uncheck the Mailing
  8. Enter a start date for the new address and mark Mailing.
  9. Click Save & Continue – Step 3>>. You have now changed the address for the household.
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