How do I enter a behavior resolution for an incident?


How do I enter a behavior resolution for an incident?

To enter a resolution for an existing Behavior incident, you can choose one of the following options:

  1. Option 1
    1. Go to Behavior > Behavior Management.
    2. From the Incident Management Editor, select the event for which you want to add a resolution
    3. The Incident Detail Information box should appear.
    4. At the bottom of the screen, click on Add Resolution.

(NOTE: Option 1 is a useful method when entering a mass resolution for an event with several participants, i.e. a food fight resulting in detention for all involved students.)

  1. Option 2
    1. Go to Student Information > General > Behavior
    2. Expand the calendar in which the incident took place, and then click on the name of the incident.
    3. From the Incident Detail box that displays on the right, click on Add Resolution.
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