Monthly Site-Based Mentor Log


This form is for the use of CCSD Teachers for logging of teacher mentoring.


As part of the Onboarding Program, beginning teachers (No previous contracted experience) are assigned a site-based mentor to guide and assist them throughout their first year. Mentors may choose to be financially compensated for this vital support via Title II Grant Funds. Mentors will plan consistent mentor/mentee sessions before or after the contracted work day with two (2) hours max per month (per Mentee) for an 18 hour maximum per school year (per Mentee). Mentors interested in financial compensation must complete and submit a monthly mentor log (per Mentee) via this online CCSD Monthly Mentor Log.

Submission of this form requires a valid CCSD gmail account.

Monthly Mentor Log
Note: This is an internal form that can only be accessed from within CCSD.

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