Click on one of the category titles below to start learning!

The Employee Business Training site offers training on a variety of software programs. In addition, Quick Vids, training videos, and manuals are available directly from this site. Please see the website for course registration details.

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Visit Campus Passport for online classes and training.

To access Campus Passport:

  1. Open and log-in to Infinite Campus.
  2. In the upper right side of the window, select the App Switcher tab.
  3. Click on Community.
  4. Click on Campus Passport.

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The Enterprise Learning Management System (ELMS) is CCSD’s professional development tracking and learning management system (use AD credentials to access).  This system allows users to search and register for training, view required videos, and request training transcripts.  ELMS is also the tracking system for licensed Professional Growth System activities for the Contact Unit accrual.  (ELMS has replaced Pathlore.)

Training documentation can be found at

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Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) used by both students and employees.
The username & password are the same as your AD login.

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Visit for information and training on G Suite.

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ParentLink, (officially named Blackboard Mass Communications), is CCSD’s mass notification system. Schools and departments can use the system to send out phone calls, emails, and text messages to their community (staff, parents/guardians , and students).

By default, school administrators and those granted the Building Communicator role in Infinite Campus are able to send messages. To login, use your AD credentials.

To submit a request to send a district wide message, complete the ParentLink Message Request form.

For assistance using ParentLink call 1-800-829-8107.

If you have account or data questions, please contact the User Support Help Desk at 702-799-3300 or  ask for help using the ParentLink Questions (TISS) form.

Helpful Guides

Please visit Finalsite (ParentLink) for helpful user guides

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